“We chose Streann Media for their +100 features. The most relevant to me were: pay per view, distribution to social media, and apps on every platform. I like to keep everything I do extra funky”.

Sinbad - Actor / Comedian

“We are excited to have integrated Streann, a complete end-to-end digital media platform. Now that we have an integration with Streann, from LiveU you can send the content to Streann’s cloud platform to engage, monetize and publish the content to Facebook Live, Youtube Live, Twitter Live, Periscope and any other RTMP service”.

Dan Pisarski - VP Engineering LiveU

“Streann’s platform gives us flexibility. Our business model is Freemium, Premium and Digital ads revenue. Knowing what and where people click and watch on both web and mobile is essential to our strategy as we continue to invest in producing original content”.

General Manager - Large Media Group